Sae Hvantir

People don't want to hear the truth, because all it does is breaks their small illusions in life. i'm here to make sure that happens.Mercenary | Bodyguard | Bounty Hunter


Full Name: Saelvilais Hvantir, Prefers to be called Sae
Age: 273
Height: 8'6" (9'10" with ears)
Race: Rava Viera/Raen Au'ra
Sexuality: Demisexual, biromantic male lean
Pronouns: He/They, TransMasc Non-Binary
Guardian: Llymlaen, the Navigator
Status: Polyamorous, divorced
Occupation: Bouncer for the Goobbue Gang Theatrics and Part Time Mercenary/Bounty Hunter, Part Time Bartender/Escort at PBM, former thief
Likes: Meats of all kinds, cold weather, rain, snow, fighting, coffee, whiskey, sparring, cheesecake, nighttime and the quiet
Dislikes: Humid weather, technology (specifically Allagan tech), vegetables, sweets, and bright lights
Lives: Limsa Lominsa and Ishgard (interchangeably), formerly from Radz-at-Han, Born on the outskirts of Eruyt Village
Main Classes: GNB, DRK, CUL
Description:Sae is a Rava male who is very tall compared to other male vieras, with distinct Au'ra scale patterns noted on his ears, tail and the bridge of his nose at first glance. He has a long tail, similar to a thicker Au'ra tail but it has fur on the bottom half and scales on top. At first approach, he may seem uninterested and quite blunt, but anyone who actually manages to break the shell of him knows otherwise. Under the shell lies a protective, but yet over eccentric person who hides a more softer side.Sae has naturally dark blue hair that is currently graying with black ends. It's long, reaching down to lower back, and half of it is put up in a braided ponytail. He has a pair of horns, coming to almost frame his face, sometimes there's jewelry dangling from them. His eyes are two different shades of red, his left a lighter red, and the other, a dark red. Due to an accident occurring, his left eye is mostly blind and his left ear is torn mostly off and unable to hear out of. Typically, you would find him wearing dark blue, and black attire, but occasionally, he would be wearing red or white. He has many scars, notable ones is one on his lip and a few over the left eye. Normally he wears an eyepatch to cover his more sensitive eye from harsh lights. Otherwise, he adorns black liner and red eyeshadow as it was taught to him to always wear, according to his mother anyways.


Being the eldest of many siblings, Sae was brought up with higher expectations than his younger siblings. Taught how to lead a whole clan, stress and leadership was drilled into a young child. The original Viras clan was small in comparison to the other viera clans in a small village on the outskirts of Eruyt Village.Being from a mixed family of Au'ri and Viera has always been normal, taught the norms of each side, Sae always followed behind his father. It was a harsh environment to learn and gain friendships from the other kids never became easy for him. But as swiftly as it comes, the clan as it seems to just up and move out of the village, no explanation was mentioned as to why. Moving to Radz-at-Han, Sae learns how vibrant and just interesting people are. But as years go by, Sae slowly realizes that... this place isn't for him. Bringing it up to his father, Sae's father exiles him from the family and tells him to never come back to their home.Leaving with what he got on him, Sae decides find the closest place to have ships to go places, and leaves to Limsa. On those travels, he goes through many hardships, scars with history. Getting into mercenary work and becoming a chef on the side, Sae makes a name in the area. It's how he becomes into contact of his main contractor, which leads him to Ishgard.


Rhyan Mellios

One of two guildmasters of Goobbue Gang Theatrics Association and paramour to Sae. He was the first person he was able to fully trust after so many years, so they are comfortable around each other, trusting fully. Sae may try to seem disinterested, but once he sees Rhyan come around, you may actually see a smile grace his face, and a look of content. Works as a bodyguard while Rhyan goes on missions. He was the one who brought Sae into Goobbue Gang Theatrics Association.

Ourahn Mellios

One of the Goobbue Gang Theatrics guildmasters and paramour to Ourahn. Believe it or not, they are one of the few people who can make Sae fear something, but also that's what attracted him to Ourahn in the first place. They get along well when they wanna cause some chaos somewhere or just maybe 'quiet' time to themselves.

Please no minors, I only interact with 18+ folks.Also I’m rusty in the rp aspect so do be kind.Heyyo, I'm KT/ Felyx, I'm a transmasc non-binary who goes by He/They! I’m 27 and I am more than willing to rp with you. I'm more of a shy person so I might be slow on responses on anything. If you want it to go the NSFW path, please let us discuss that beforehand, I’m iffy about it in general so…I will give out my discord if you're interested in RPing with Sae.How I portray my character doesn’t reflect how I feel outside of it. But please do keep in mind that whatever he says, don’t take it to heart personally.IC =/= OOCI keep my IC relations and OOC separate, but I’m more than willing to see things go IC if wanting to form a closer relationship.